Forest School Week 4

After crossing the lane into the forest, the children stood quietly to observe two robins who were playing together in the grass. We then headed off to our site but - as usual - the sights, smells and sounds of the forest distracted us.

Jacob thought we may see a bear in the woodland – he could be right! Imaginations were in full swing as the children began to play rescue games, naming each other as a character from Octonauts. As the wind blew harder, the more important the rescue missions became. Children collected long sticks in order to support their friends and rescue them when climbing the large hills – ‘pull and heave’ were good words.

After lunch, we decided to visit the ‘giant’s castle’. As we headed up the path, Sebastian explained that he wanted to ‘explore’. Well … to explore the area, it was time to head off the beaten track and venture into the wilderness. We climbed over logs and holes, dodging nettles and brambles. To Jacob’s amazement, we found a strange grass which looked like bamboo. Maybe he was right after all, maybe the forest was home to a bear! We explored the bamboo, pulling the slim branches downwards and watching it spring back into place.

Riley found a deep, dark hole. Who could this belong to? Riley climbed down into the hole to investigate further but – oh no - Riley got stuck!  Luckily Riley used his thinking skills and managed to free himself.  Phew!!

A day of exploring and battling against the wild and noisy wind came to an end too soon. The children (and staff) were very tired.

We now know that the wild wind can make exploring in the woodland more difficult.  “You need strong legs to stay standing up!!” said the children.