Forest School Week 2

Our second forest school week was just as eventful as the first! As we entered the woodland, the children began to explore a large bushed area where we weaved and dodged low hanging branches until we discovered a small, enclosed area. To our amazement there, lying on the ground, was a small round object. Wow! What could it be? Walter thought it was a snow dragon’s egg. But why was it there? Had it dropped out of the tree? How would the snow dragon Mummy find the egg?

We needed a plan.  Jonah decided to put the egg into his pocket to keep it safe. The children discussed what to do next. They decided to build a nest and place the egg inside. We started to head out of the bushes but - oh no -Tara got stuck!  Walter and Patrick helped Tara to negotiate a very low branch, then used their ropes to finally pull her to safety. Time to get on with building the nest!

We found a small secluded area under a tree where we could build the nest.  The children agreed it was a safe place. Jonah carefully laid the egg down. The mummy snow dragon would be so pleased the children took such great care of her egg.

As we walked along the path we found a frozen puddle. We wondered why it was frozen. After a few skating attempts we headed down the path to what Walter refers to as “the secret door”.   Passing through, we headed across the lane to the bridge. Talk turned to who lived under the bridge. Could it be a troll? We carefully walked quietly over the bridge, trying to avoid those words “Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge”. We succeeded!  Now time to set up camp and have lunch.

After lunch we explored the river. We paddled in the shallows before finding the deeper part of the river, which we avoided. The children began to construct a bridge to a small island in the middle of the river. This was hard work and we had to search for some very large stones. The children began to explore how they would manage to carry the large stones over to the bridge, so lots of team work occurred. After lots of floating and sinking investigation, it was time to head back to nursery.

Another busy day, what will next week bring?