Wednesday 13th March

The children and staff had a wonderful visit to Winton Court this week. We were very excited to return after a month’s break (due to illness in the care village) and see our friends. As soon as the children arrived, they immediately embraced their older friends and we talked about how much we had missed visiting. This week, we took some new resources with us which we thought the children and adults may want to use together. We also took with us our family photographs which the children shared. The residents could now put faces to the names as the children are constantly updating them about their family life. The residents were very genuine and asked the children questions about their families which the children thoroughly enjoyed answering. The residents are all looking forward to meeting the children’s families in August as part of our goodbyes before school.

We have made some new friends at the care home recently and they have signed to join our project which is amazing news! They have enjoyed working with the children using jigsaws, construction resources and books to name a few. We also have a favourite resident who the children affectionately call ‘the tickle monster’, who has entertained the children this week with tales of farm life and we now know about the types of animals which live on a farm. He also talked to the children about the other animals you may see on a farm such as hawks, owls, badgers and foxes. He spoke fondly of his sheepdog, tractor and cat and his farmyard friends. It is so rewarding to listen to the children learning from the adults. Our ‘tickle monster’ friend is always a hit with the children and shares his knowledge and wisdom with everyone. He is there week on week to share in the activities and work with us. We will be visiting next week with all of our new London resources which have been very kindly donated by the families of Childsplay. Thank you to everyone who supported us.