Wednesday 22nd November

Today we had a wonderful visit to see our friends at Winton Court. We enjoyed sharing our books with everyone and we even sneaked in a few festive stories too. ‘The Stinky Sprouts’ story is one of our favourites! We love to share our drawing skills and this week was no exception. We drew waterfalls, trees and Christmas presents to name a few.

Two of our residents love to engage in maths activities and have been working with the children on exploring counting and shapes. We took three special books with us around the topic of maths which they enjoyed sharing. The Ten Pirates book seemed to be their favourite! We were thrilled to see one of our residents return from a hospital stay and even though she wasn’t 100 percent she stayed with us all day and enjoyed spending time with the children.

Today was a shorter visit as we had to pick up something special on our return to nursery - a rather large but beautiful, real Christmas tree. The children enjoyed walking along the line of trees to pick the perfect one. Once chosen, we lifted it onto the bus and we can’t wait to see what it will look like once it is decorated in twinkly lights.