Forest School Week 3

On our way to Forest School, Diane pointed out ‘the castle’. The children instantly wanted to explore it so, after packing up our trollies for the day’s adventures, we set off along the path.  On the way we all enjoyed playing ‘1, 2, 3, where are you?’, which is our hide and seek game.

When we finally arrived at the castle, Walter asked Tara to be a troll. Tara stomped around, attempting to catch children.  Everyone thought it was hilarious and ran away screaming. Tara showed the children where her troll home was. It provided the perfect climbing area; huge boulders created a climbing wall which everyone was able to negotiate.  It encouraged much problem solving, sharing of ideas and supporting friends.

After a quick drink (it’s thirsty work climbing all morning) it was time to head to our site for lunch. The children wanted to check on their snow dragon egg on the way. To their surprise, it was still there! Jonah decided to keep it in his pocket, where it would be safe.

Down to the river, camp set and lunch out! After our yummy soup, which was made by 3-4s, it was time to investigate the river. But where was our bridge? It had disappeared. The children noticed the large stones have been pushed down the river. Theo decided to throw some small stones into the river and we all talked about the noise they made when they landed. How could we make different noises? Inez and Riley decided to take some huge stones on to the top of the bridge and drop them into the river. Wow! They made a huge splash!

Unfortunately, our time in the woods had to come to an end. A lot of tired children were ready to return to nursery.

Another great adventure! Another great day!