How can we repurpose plastic bottles?

The children shared a book about the life of a plastic bottle and we discussed how we can recycle plastic bottles but also what else they could be used for before recycling.

“I’ve got two recycle bins. Brown and Brown. They have loads of rubbish. I has recycling. I has when things are broken. I recycle toys in the bin”

- Sebastian

Felix had an amazing suggestion of using the bottle to create a bird feeder which could attract wildlife to our garden. We began to plan our bird feeders and think about what materials we would need to construct them. The children were so proud of their work, they wanted to share it with their friends and family so we talked about making a copy of their drawing. Henrietta had already used our nursery photocopier and was excited to share this with her friends. The children each took turns to copy their picture. Sebastian was amazed when he looked at his identical drawings. We had all the resources we required except plastic bottles. The children suggested they bring in a bottle from home. We were now ready to create our bird feeders. The following day the children proudly walked into nursery with their bottles ready to get started but we had forgotten a major part of our bird feeder… the bird seed!

Luke suggested we pop to the shops. He knew exactly where we could buy the bird seed from as he had visited the shop many times. “It’s a green shop” he explained. Luke led the group out of the nursery gate, across the university and down through the shopping centre where he pointed out the large shopping store, Fenwicks. He was adamant we would find bird seed there. We walked around the store and were guided to several departments by members of staff but sadly they had no bird seed available. We left the store and began heading back towards nursery when we spotted another green shop. Could this one sell bird seed? We headed in and immediately found various bags of bird food. We decided to take one of each and carry it back to nursery ready for our bird feeders. What a successful shopping trip. Well done Luke!