Autumn Term - Tuesday 16th November 2021

After last weeks adventures and believing we have an animal living under our shed, the children were excited to explore the allotment. We searched around but were unable to find any signs of animals. We checked under the shed but sadly nothing was there so we decided to get busy and finish off our digging jobs. We moved lots more compost across to the new vegetable beds and they are beginning to look very full. The children are all becoming very handy with a spade and fork now! 

 After a spot of lunch we decided to engage in some pond dipping. We wondered what we might find after discovering we still had tadpoles last week. Tara moved a huge plant and some stones and we were all amazed to discover a family of frogs hiding in our pond. They began jumping around so we carefully replaced the stones and left them. We were amazed by the amount of frogs hiding and even more surprised by their size. We have a variety of different sized frogs on our allotment this year and at varying stages of the frog lifecycle. We have already spotted tadpoles and some froglets and now fully grown frogs! How exciting!

 As the weather changed and the rain came down we made our way to the shed where we shared a lovely story before heading back to nursery on the minibus. We were sad to go as this is our last visit to the allotment this year. We are almost ready for the new growing season and are excited at the prospect of growing lots more fruit, vegetables and flowers next year.