Summer 2021 - Week 4, 23rd June 2021

What a transformation we are seeing at our allotment! There is so much happening at the minute with the installation of our new vegetable beds, extension of our pond and the beginning of our new wildlife area as well as the amazing amount of plant growth. The trees in our orchard are producing a huge amount of fruit which we can't wait to taste! Keep an eye out in the future for our allotment shop back at nursery where the children will be selling their own produce! 

Some of our strawberries are now ready and we spent some time collecting them ready for tasting. We cut some rhubarb to take back to nursery which we have some tasty plans for! Our potatoes, onions, redcurrants, blackcurrants, cabbages, peas, beans, pumpkins, sunflowers and herbs are growing incredibly well and today we planted sprouts, cauliflowers and leeks ready for the winter season. 

Our allotment is an abundance of wildlife at the minute and we will soon be adding to our wildlife area with some animal homes and feeders. Today we observed several birds taking a bath in our pond as well as spotting many tadpoles swimming around happily. We found lots of minibeasts as we dug and some very long worms!

Today we filled our new beds with compost and planted our winter vegetables. The children worked tirelessly to finish everything on time. We stopped for snacks throughout the day as it was lots of hard work. We have now begun to empty our greenhouse in preparation for winter planting and we have engaged in lots of mathematical learning when matching our pots in our new pot holder.