Autumn Term - Tuesday 2nd November 2021

This week we took our 3-4 year old group with us to the allotment for the very first time. The children were so excited to get on the minibus. What an adventure to drive away from nursery, over rivers, across bridges and up huge steep banks! Once we had arrived, we walked down to the green gate of our allotment. The children were so excited! From this spot you are unable to see our allotment but as soon as the gate was opened the children were in awe of their new space. Hannah pointed out that the allotment belongs to preschool but the adults explained that in fact the allotment belonged to all the nursery children. Hannah was astounded that she had an allotment to share with her friends!

We all sat on the long benches in the shed and got ourselves ready for a busy day. We made a list on the jobs board before the children were given the guided tour. First there was the orchard, then the greenhouses, fruit cage, polytunnel, fire pit, pond and wildlife area and then the tools shed. The first job of the day was to sort out the compost bins and complete a spot of weeding ready for more new beds to be built. The children learned quickly where the tools and wheelbarrows were kept. They worked hard digging with their forks and spades as well as using the loppers to cut down some of the tougher weeds. They filled their wheelbarrows with lots of grass, weeds and old plants before placing them on the compost bin. We also checked underneath the compost bin and were amazed to find beautiful new compost which we will be using next year.

After lunch around the table in the fire pit, it was time to start planting some new fruit trees and bushes. Everyone carefully helped to dig holes and placed their bushes inside. We planted three new apple trees, two gooseberry bushes, two red currants and two black currants. The children were very excited at the thought of making their own juice next year!

Next, we had to move some plastic sheets so we were able to start laying down the cardboard on our beds. The children amazed us with their strength and team work as they helped to move the sheets to our store area. This will ensure we have excellent soil ready for next year’s growing season. Sadly, it was soon time to leave. The children (and staff) had a wonderful day. It was time for a rest on the minibus before having a yummy tea back at nursery.